Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Real Cost by Michael Mandiberg

How it uses the internet as an art medium? The internet in this role can be put to the discussion group that converted prices in US dollars into values in barrels of crude oil. People have the freedom to do this act and amuse themselves to the oil prices easily fluctuate.

Why it uses the internet to best advantage? Because the oil price fluctuates globally, this use of the internet opens doors to all people in any place to be able to join in the sarcastic amusement.

Why is it that the piece cannot be made in any other way? Because the oil price fluctuates all the time and the internet has the ability to change itself all the tim e while other medium cannot do that.

How does this work fit in the history of the internet that Sterling describes? The internet spread out widely to people in all places. It is not restricted to only certain groups such as the military, and the purpose of the internet did not remain only for military purposes, but included gossip, mail, and in this case probably discussion groups.

What are the features of this art work that reflect the time in which it was made (2006)? This art work reflect the oil price situation in 2006. The features that do that, are the constant update of oil price, and the free access to anyone who may want to download its program.

Actually, I'm a little confused about what is going on. The internet is something that I use all the time, but I don't really know how Michael Mandiberg's Real Cost is an art medium. To me, its just a conversion of US prices into barrels of oil. I cannot really relate this work to an art. I guess I simply do not understand how the use of the internet in this manner is art.

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