Sunday, April 15, 2007

Art Lecture by Chris Coleman

The very first project that Chris Coleman showed was a surround sound clip where one could see white smoke from the air being sucked into factory tubes. It seemed that no matter how much pollution went back into the factory tubes, their is still more smoke in the air. I felt a little uncomfortable with it, because I wanted the smoke to end, but it seems that their will never be an end to the pollution. This is the exact feeling that Chris wanted his viewers to feel, "never-ending deluge."
The next project that Chris shared was an endless wave of landscape that seemed to be coming closer to the screen. I liked this a lot, because to me, it felt free and relaxing.

Chris' other projects are graphics and three dimensional objects. I think they are interesting, but not really my type. From a mechanical engineer to an artisit, Chris said he enjoys being a geek and an artist at the same time. It is no wonder then, that his works incorporate precise sizes and numbers. It is a bit too rigid for me, but some of it could be really fun to look at too.

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